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Fault Current Limiters: Newton-Evans Market Assessment and Overview through 2016

Newton-Evans Research Releases Report on Fault Current Limiters

This new (July 2013) publication is entitled: Mid-2013 Assessment and Outlook of the Market for Medium Voltage Fault Current Limiters. Newton-Evans began research work during the past year on a study of the U.S. market for Medium Voltage Fault Current Limiters (MV FCL). Initial work resulted in the aggregation of then-current secondary information on MV FCLs. Contact was established with the officials responsible for FCLs at the two known U.S.-based suppliers that have existing successful FCL installations (ABB and G&W). Both of these firms actively manufacture, market and provide support for their MV FCL products. Following an initial market assessment, Newton-Evans staff undertook telephone interviews with distribution engineering officials at 42 leading U.S. and Canadian Utilities to discuss use and plans for FCLs.

The resulting report is a 12 page assessment of the recent history and mid-term outlook for further development of this small segment of the electric power transmission and distribution equipment market. Synopsis of the two leading suppliers and a glimpse into the role superconductors may play now and in the mid-term to encourage further expansion of this market in both high voltage and medium voltage applications, and setting the stage for additional manufacturer participation.

This new report is priced at $275.00, with the market outlook through 2016 prepared by supplier shares, by world region, and by application (end-user), and is available for immediate download from our REPORTS tab.